Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Show Your Face Some Love

Show Your Face Some Love

Our skin keeps us in constant connection with the textures and energies of our world—so it's no wonder our faces reveal so much about our mental, emotional, and physical status. "When we care for ourselves well, our authentic beauty reflects in our skin," says Ayurvedic aesthetician Evan Healy, founder of the eponymous all-natural skin care line.
To keep facial skin glowing, Healy recommends giving yourself a wonderfully uncomplicated flaxseed facial. Grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder, or buy a preground meal . It's all good, according to Healy: "A flaxmeal facial paste is pure simplicity and great for every skin type."
The concentrated essential fatty acids in flaxseed moisturize and protect the skin, she explains, and the texture of the hulls stimulates circulation; cleans away dirt, sweat, and excess oils; and sloughs away dead skin cells. Plus, the flaxseed—like all seeds—packs prana, or life energy. Releasing prana to your skin energizes and vivifies.
To increase the healing benefits, Healy recommends that you follow your facial with a nourishing turmeric-yogurt mask.

  • How : Prepare the nourishing mask by mixing 2 tablespoons plain yogurt with 1⁄3 teaspoon honey and a pinch of turmeric powder. Set aside.

Scrub gently:At the bathroom sink, splash water onto your face. Then mix a little warm water with 2 teaspoons ground flaxseed to form a light paste. Apply a thin layer to your skin and massage in circles all over your face, spending some extra time gently scrubbing any oily or rough areas.
Rinse well with cool or warm water. (Never hot! Hot water stresses delicate facial skin and strips away protective oils.) Pat dry.

Relax into the mask:Next, spread the yogurt-turmeric mixture evenly over your entire face. Lie down and relax for 10 minutes, taking full, deep breaths and making a conscious effort to release any tension you may be holding in your jaw or forehead.

Seal in the goodness: Rinse with cool water and pat dry. If you'd like, follow with a spritz of rosewater or other aromatherapy facial spray, and apply a moisturizer or serum. Finish by patting your damp face with clean hands to "seal" the good effects of your facial into your skin. Your natural glow is all the makeup you'll want! 
"When we care for ourselves well, our authentic beauty reflects in our skin."
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Please note: This blog is only for informative purposes. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns.