Monday, February 22, 2010

How to cure dandruff

Dandruff and its cure

According to Dr.Neal shultz a cosmetic dermatologist dandruff is not caused  by a fungus.
Usually two factors are involved, either it is caused by a
hereditary predisposition (i.e.,it's inherited), stress, or a combination of the two.

Dandruff Cure:

Over-the-counter shampoos contain many different ingredients like zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide, but the more effective ones are tar or salicylic acid. Look for a shampoo containing either of these two ingredients.
Neutrogena T/Gel or Neutrogena T/Sal are good options that can help you to get rid off dandruff.
If regular use of shampoos like the above on a daily basis are not effective, then the best way to cure it will be by obtaining prescription medication from a dermatologist that can be used topically on the scalp to aid in the relief of dandruff.

Home remedy:

mix flaxseed oil  and bitter almond oil in equal quantity and massage it  into your scalp leave it for at least an hour or two ,best is to leave overnight and wash it with a shampoo either containing tar or salicylic acid.

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